Gillingham Centenary
During 2008 Gillingham Scouts celebrated their centenary.
Scouting started in Gillingham in the summer of 1908 when a number of boys wanting to become Scouts met in a house in Canterbury Street. These boys formed a Patrol and met in the front room of the house under the leadership of Mr Drew.
As part of the celebrations there was a Centenary Birthday Party for all members past and present, a Centenary Dinner, the publication of a souvenir book and a commemorative badge.The Centenary Birthday Party was held at The Howard School, Rainham in July 2008 when over 500 members attended and enjoyed many activities including circus skills, bouncy castles, craft, scalextric and a steel band.
The District Scout Fellowship handled the catering and cooked burgers and sausages for everyone. The afternoon ended with the cutting of several cakes and a traditional camp fire. Party bags, which included a commemorative badge, were distributed to all participants.
A competition was run to design a commemorative blanket badge to recognise the occasion and Adam Kerry, a Cub Scout with the 8th Gillingham Group, won the competition. Badges were distributed to all members at the Centenary Birthday Party held in July 2008
In the autumn of 2008 Gillingham Scouts published a commemorative book Gillingham Scouting - our first 100 years. This book, produced in full colour, contains information and memories of Scouting since it started in Gillingham and includes over 150 illustrations gathered from many sources.