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Gillingham Scouts


3rd July 2010

07/03/2010 00:00 07/04/2010 00:00 Europe/London CONNECT Gillingham District Scouts are reintroducing CONNECT - a day organised for young people aged 9-13 who have special or additional needs Our aim is to provide a wide range of challenging and adventurous activities including archery, climbing wall, obstacle course and much more for everyone to enjoy Each young person will have a ‘buddy’ looking after them for the day, with qualified leaders to provide additional support Download flyer

Gillingham District Scouts are reintroducing CONNECT - a day organised for young people aged 9-13 who have special or additional needs. Our aim is to provide a wide range of challenging and adventurous activities including archery, climbing wall, obstacle course and much more for everyone to enjoy. Each young person will have a ‘buddy’ looking after them for the day, with qualified leaders to provide additional support. Download flyer.

Upcoming events

Beavers Christmas Party
14th December 2024

St George's Event
26th April 2025

District Camp 6th-8th June
6th - 8th June 2025


Charity no: 303387

Useful links

National website scouts.org.uk

County website kentscouts.org.uk

Gillingham Scouts Privacy Policy

Upcoming events

Beavers Christmas Party
14th December 2024

St George's Event
26th April 2025

District Camp 6th-8th June
6th - 8th June 2025